I finally have some time to write here. Sitting alone in my academics room, with an open window, listening to the wind moving fallen leaves... I really appreciate the fall this year. It's warm, colorful... I wish it never ends.
Back to the topic: growing up. Firstly - we all are still growing up, till the end of our days. If we're talking about adolescence, well... It's still hard to admit if I done this period or not, so I couldn't be very objective. It's different for everyone and it could be hard, but not for all of us. Generally - growing up is like finding out that we're not kids anymore and we have to live our lifes on our own. It's terryfied, even for me. Anyway it's just the beginning. Adolescence never ends, it's the proces of live by ourselves untill we find a balance or stabilisation in our live. Yeah, it's something like that, a chaos after you realise that you can't live forever with your mom (that's why 30 years old guys living with their moms acts like children). You have to handle it, find your path, friends, reason to live. It's all about making your own decisions, at first small ones, than the biggest. It's like a big hunt for your future husband/wife, your job, your adult life. Even if "adults" could laught at you, because you're like "I want to have a boyfriend! OMG I'm so ugly, nobody will love me.", don't listen to them, because everyone need to be loved.
I have no idea what I just wrote. I'm not good at expressing my thougts. Sorry ;)