
Hate reversal.

Today I'd like to share my point of view on kind of difficult and controversial topic. It's about minorities who think they have more rights then majority. Firstly I'd like to show you an article which inspired me to talk about it. In the article a young student describes her reactions after she saw a spiteful comment on a polite and humorous message written by one of the professors of Faculty of History to students about their way of clothing during the exams due to the high temperature. The message wasn't sexist at all, he just advised people to dress properly, but the comment of Codziennik Feministyczny was really inappropriate.

I just don't understand this hate towards men amongst feminists. I do agree that a feminism movement was important to leave the stereotypes behind and let women live with equal rights to men. Nowadays, when the problem of sexism isn't that big as it used to be in the last century, the feminists are just trying to show everybody that they're still understate and still so aggrieved. I know, this problem hasn't gone, but we're missing the point - we have to ask ourselves if now there are the men who have sometimes more troubles than women if we're talking about sexism and things like that. And it's not just in this case.

Let's see other minorities. Racism - of course, we don't have this problem in Poland as big as it is in US for exemple, but still it's going to be upturned. You can't even look at a black guy, because he'll just say "Yo, honkey, you're staring at me!". And nobody bats an eye! I don't blame anyone, it's true that black people still have more difficult life that white people, but in general whites tries to make it better while blacks are still full of hate. 

The same with LGTB people who exaggerate everything they do for their movement - it's ok that you're in love with the same gender, but you really don't have to hate all of heterosexual people, tell everyone that sex with other gender is disgusting (I've heard that statement with my own ears!) and show us your butt. It's certainly not the way of making a society without homophobia (or maybe should I say heterophobia?). 

I could go on with other examples, but I just wanted to highlight the problem. I'm not feminist, althought I think some of their points are correct and we, women, have to be cautious. I'm not racist, because in fact I don't know personally any black person and even if I do, I don't think that the complexion would define one's personality. I'm not homophobic, but I don't like when they're showing off. I like vegetables, but I hate when someone says me that I musn't eat meat because blablablabla... And (s)he treats me like an animal murderer. I don't judge Jews, Atheists, Catholics, Protestants, etc. as long as they respect other people and  they are happy to believe (or not) in their own God. And this is the point - we should respect each other, no matter how different we are. 

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